About Us

Kasturi Agro Industries (KAI) a proprietary concern owned by Mr,Udaykumar Vyas was established in the year 1996 with the primary objective of blending, packaging and marketing of various brands of tea. The firm's first brand Assam Blend Kasturi has been very well accepted to the market level. In the wake of this success, KAI is now gearing itself to launch a second brand in the premium segment.

Market scenario for Branded Tea
Maharashtra boasts of one of the highest per capita consumption levels of tea in the country. Right across the state in the cities, towns, and on the highways the ubiquitous tea-stall is a common sight. In the home too, tea is consumed in various situations: 
               -as an early morning ritual
               -as a refresher in the afternoon and
               -as an offering to guests.
As a result tea is consumed at least twice or thrice in the average middle-class household. The working class consumes tea at least twice more in the workplace.
Tea has a powerful hold on the consumer. In spite of escalating price in the price of raw tea (and also packaged tea) the demand has remained steady and increasing day by day.
Marketing Variables
A strong distribution network supported by incentive schemes at the trade and consumer level has proved to be effective in building a loyal-customer franchise for tea brands. As long as these two marketing variable are taken care of a sound market position is assured irrespective of whether it is a regional or a national brand. These factors have been KAI's main strenght.
One of the key factors for success at the trade level is the incentives given by a firm to its stockists. Attracted by the cash prizes and gifts announced from time to time stockists strive to reach the targets stipulated by a firm and once the stocks arrive they look for ways and means of liquidating the stocks quickly.
At the customer level a firm announces various types of incentives to build loyalty or bring about new conversion. Gifts, contests,discounts and many other attractions tempt the consumer to either continue buying the same brand repeatedly or to try out new brands that enter the market KAI plans to build on its stockist franchise by introducing well-designed consumer schemes from time to time to sustain consumer interest in its brands.
This two-pronged attack will ensure that KAI will achieve the planned three-fold increase in sales.
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Kasturi, Kasturi kadak meethi mayura premiuim & silver supreme are registred trade marks of UDAYKUMAR M VYAS with trade mark registry of india anybody using these name are liable for strict legal action as per rule.